Thursday, September 5, 2013


For Today I feel happy.  Amidst all the consfusion I feel like it's going to be ok.  That maybe just maybe I am content.  Not in some depressed my life is going no where so I will just be fine where I am but in a maybe this isn't so bad kind of way.  I took a walk with my neighbor Tonya today and her faith was impressive.  She is all about Faith, Prayer, Reading the Word and Giving it to God. I think I need to do more of that.  I pray often and I believe but I don't know that I have complete faith and I don't read the word.  I think for now I will set a goal to read the word for 5 minutes sometime in the coarse of the day.  It's not a lot but that is something I can definitely do.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you had another blog! Great post... I need to work on those things too! =)
